Where to start?


You should have Root installed on your computer to produce the plots and view the results. To test this, simply run root -l in a terminal. If Root is missing, go to http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/downloading-root, download the latest version, and follow the instructions on this page http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/installing-root-source.


The following templates are a starting point for your code. You will create two programs: one to generate the events and one to run the Kalman filter on them.

Copy/paste the following code in a file called generation.cpp:

#include <iostream>

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "TTree.h"

int generation() {

    // Create a file
    TFile* file = new TFile("myfile.root", "recreate");

    // Create the random number generator
    TRandom3* generator = new TRandom3(0);

    // Create a root Tree
    TTree* tree = new TTree("events", "My events");

    // Create the variables that will go in the tree
    double gaus;
    double poisson;
    double uniform[2];

    tree->Branch("gaus", &gaus);
    tree->Branch("poisson", &poisson);
    tree->Branch("uniform", uniform, "uniform[2]/D");

    // Generate 10000 "events"
    for (unsigned int event = 0; event < 10000; ++event) {
        // Pick random values
        gaus = generator->Gaus(0., 4.);
        poisson = generator->Poisson(4);
        uniform[0] = generator->Uniform(1., 5.);
        uniform[1] = generator->Uniform(-5., -1.);

        // Fill the tree

        // Print something
        std::cout << "Event n" << event << " done!" << std::endl;

    // Write the tree

    // Close the file

    return 0;

and the following code in a file called kalman.cpp:

#include <vector>

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TH1D.h"
#include "TString.h"

int kalman() {

    // Create a file
    TFile* file = new TFile("myfile.root", "update");

    // Get the tree
    TTree* tree = (TTree*) file->Get("events");

    // Create a vector
    std::vector< TH1D* > th1ds;

    // Automatically create histograms
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        TString title = "HISTO_"; title += i + 1; title += "_A";
        th1ds.push_back(new TH1D(title, title, 100, 0., 0.));

    // Manually create histograms
    th1ds.push_back(new TH1D("hist_gaus", "Gaussian distribution;X;Number of events", 100, -10., 10.));
    th1ds.push_back(new TH1D("hist_poisson", "Poisson distribution;X;Number of events", 100, 0., 20.));
    th1ds.push_back(new TH1D("hist_uniform", "Uniform distribution;X;Number of events", 100, -6., 6.));

    // Create the variables for the tree
    double gaus;
    double poisson;
    double uniform[2];

    // Link the variables to the tree
    tree->SetBranchAddress("gaus", &gaus);
    tree->SetBranchAddress("poisson", &poisson);
    tree->SetBranchAddress("uniform", uniform);

    // Loop over the "events"
    for (unsigned int event = 0; event < tree->GetEntries(); ++event) {
        // Get the i th value of the three

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) th1ds.at(i)->Fill(0);

        // Fill the histograms



    // Write all the histograms
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < th1ds.size(); ++i) th1ds.at(i)->Write();

    // Close the file

    return 0;

To run those templates, launch root (root -l) and execute .X generation.cpp and .X kalman.cpp+ (the + is important when you run the second file!).

Once you have run these commands, a new root file called myfile.root will be created. To view its content, run root -l in a terminal. Once root has launched, run TBrowser t which will open a graphical interface. Using the latter, open the file to view the events (added by generation.cpp) and the histograms (added by kalman.cpp).


Let us consider $ n = 10 $ detection layers with a thickness $ s = 0.1 $ $ X_0 $ and a detection precision (RMS of a Gaussian distribution) $ \sigma = 20 $ $ \mu m $, spaced by a distance $ d = 10 $ cm and placed as represented in the figure bellow. Muons are propagated from an randomly chosen $ y_0 $ with an varying initial angle $ \alpha $ and an initial impulsion of 1, 10, or 100 $ GeV $ $ c^{-1} $. At each detection site, the particles are subject to multiple scattering which modifies their trajectories, but they are not affected by energy losses.

To do

You will have to perform the following tasks:

Advanced simulation

If you finished your simulation, you can complicate things by doing one or multiple things listed bellow: